List of the most popular names in the 2000s in the United States

These are the most popular given names of newborns in the United States for all years of the 2000s.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Last
1 Michael Jacob Jacob Jacob Jacob Jacob Jacob Jacob Jacob
2 Jacob Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael
3 Matthew Matthew Joshua Joshua Joshua Joshua Joshua Ethan Ethan
4 Joshua Joshua Matthew Matthew Matthew Matthew Ethan Joshua Joshua
5 Christopher Christopher Ethan Andrew Ethan Ethan Matthew Daniel Daniel
6 Nicholas Nicholas Andrew Joseph Andrew Andrew Daniel Christopher Alexander
7 Andrew Andrew Joseph Ethan Daniel Daniel Christopher Anthony Anthony
8 Joseph Joseph Christopher Daniel William Anthony Andrew William William
9 Daniel Daniel Nicholas Christopher Joseph Christopher Anthony Matthew Christopher
10 Tyler William Daniel Anthony Christopher Joseph William Andrew Matthew
1 Emily Emily Emily Emily Emily Emily Emily Emily Emma
2 Hannah Madison Madison Emma Emma Emma Emma Isabella Isabella
3 Madison Hannah Hannah Madison Madison Madison Madison Emma Emily
4 Ashley Ashley Emma Hannah Olivia Abigail Isabella Ava Madison
5 Sarah Alexis Alexis Olivia Hannah Olivia Ava Madison Ava
6 Alexis Sarah Ashley Abigail Abigail Isabella Abigail Sophia Olivia
7 Samantha Samantha Abigail Alexis Isabella Hannah Olivia Olivia Sophia
8 Jessica Abigail Sarah Ashley Ashley Samantha Hannah Abigail Abigail
9 Taylor Elizabeth Samantha Elizabeth Samantha Ava Sophia Hannah Elizabeth
10 Elizabeth Olivia Olivia Samantha Elizabeth Ashley Samantha Elizabeth Chloe

See also
